Best Water Softener for UtahUtah is a wonderful place to live and with so much building and
construction, what about the water and what is the Best Water Softener for Utah?

Many people don’t give it much thought until after they “move in” only to discover
all the hard water and mineral build-up on their new home. Water spots, mineral build-up
on new appliances and glass shower doors and what about the new water heater
or heaters and everything water touches?

Guardian Soft Water is the answer and as you listen or watch our
customers testimonials at you will soon
discover the solution to all your hard water concerns.

We created Guardian Soft Water to solve all your hard water problems as well as provide the
finest pure water for drinking for your family. Do you have hard water
problems? We are the company with the solution.

If you want the Best Water Softener for Utah at a price lower than you would
expect. Watch our videos and listen to what our customers have to say
and you will discover why we are the company of choice.

The name “Guardian Soft Water” was chosen many years ago for many
reasons. Here are some of those reasons.

Guardian means to “protect” and to keep out or remove all the bad or
better words “the undesirables” and provide at the same time all the good.

We use a process that does what the Guardian Soft Water name
represents. For this to happen and provide each homeowner
with the best soft water system, here is what we need to do for
this to happen.

#1. Schedule an appointment and here is why. There are no completely identical homes
and the water coming into that home may be
different from one city to the next. We’ve tested water all over the state
and sometimes one home even in the same neighborhood will test
differently than one a block away. Why?

One might assume it’s all the
same water but that is where things change. Water lines buried under the
street carry water from a well, aquifer, tank, or water source. Testing
the water in each home allows us to be exact, and spot on, and never do we assume unless we test the water first.

The results from that test provide Guardian with the exact hardness level of
water coming into your home. That level of hardness is measured in what we call
GPG or grains per gallon. Here is why that is important.

That hardness level GPG is where you set your softener on the softener’s computer.
So it knows what it has to do to provide the soft water you need. In other
words, a softener can be too small for a family if the number of GPGs is too high.

That is why there are many sizes of softeners. The higher the GPG
the larger the family usually requires a larger softener. Testing it
removes the guesswork.

With so many sizes of softeners that we make, installing a softener that
won’t handle the level of hardness would be a disservice to you as our
customer. So, Guardian Soft Water always tests the water so we can be
accurate. After all, it’s your money and you deserve the best system built
for the home knowing what GPG a system can handle.

#2. We review all the plumbing to see what it will require to provide the
Best Water Softener for Utah to the entire home and perhaps bypass the
exterior faucets so soft water remains inside the home and hard water on
the outside.

#3. Review the customer’s short and long-term wants for your
water needs. Many want a drinking system added so they no longer
purchase bottled water. Those systems are called Reverse Osmosis
and our customers love how the water tastes without ever having to
buy bottled water again.

Not everyone is the same and knowing in advance a customer’s wants,
concerns and goals is what we review. Often what we share and
the advice we will provide gives the customer an added sense of comfort
and relief. Knowing about all the options provides each customer with a
much better feel for what they are looking for.

#4. Review the cost of everything and leave the customer a written bid
sheet. There is never any pressure as that isn’t how Guardian Soft Water
treats its customers. Our goal is to provide the best advice, recommendations, and
the Best Water Softener for Utah for all your water needs. Thank you for allowing
us to serve you better and see ourselves at the door. Again thank you for
allowing us to come into your home.

Best Water Softener for Utah

Jeff Smith
13571 N Grove Drive
Alpine, Utah 84004

Utah Water Softener Company Reviews

Water Softener Benefits Utah